Waymark Gardens

This is a team design research project. Our research client was Waymark Gardens, which serves low-income older adults (60+) who maintain an independent living status with or without assistance. The topic my team was assigned was park and park recreational. Through observation, interview, and analysis, we understood residents' needs and conducted the some possible solutions to improve their community.

Role: Design Research

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, miro, Adobe Premiere Pro

Team: Clare Witt, Sarch Price, Mei-Hsin Wan, Grayson Glazer


Research Plan

Photo Records

Raw Data & Notes

Observation Debriefs Forms

Interview Plan




Three main topic/questions we focused on:

  • What activities do you usually do in the parks?

  • Do you go to parks with other people?

  • Do you feel the parks have enough accommodations to satisfy your specific needs?


Raw Data & Notes

During the interviews we listened and recorded all opinion expressed to us. Each experience was unique with some issues overlapping, which we looked back at for our design opportunities. There are five themes we color-coded so we can see how does the interviewee’s key insight.

After we color-coded the transcript find out the key insights, we organized information on the stickers and created an affinity map.

Point of View

Using POV to Identify HMWs

  • How might we provide more accessible pathway for those who meed it?

  • How might we create a space for dogs and their owns to relax and socialize?

  • How might we create community garden that all can access?

  • How might we create individual spaces for residents within the community garden?

  • How might we add extra lighting around the walkways for the residents?

  • How might we add a wall to separate the construction from Waymark Gardens?

  • How might we create a mature center to teach nature courses?

  • How might we add more plant life to the area?


Why I did?

To better understand the needs of residents at Waymark Gardens, we need to study their requirements for a park.

What I did?

I conducted interviews with Waymark residents and presented research-based ideas.

How I did?

During the interview, I asked about their thoughts on the design and if there were any additional elements they wanted to include.

Research Diagram


Research Plan


Concept 1: Outdoor Dog Park

Concept 2: Pathway + Dog park

Concept 3: Mid Dog Park




Through this project, I learned how to plan and prepare for a research. Understand the Qualitative and Quantitative Research process and how can we use these data to present the final idea.


Be Your Color

