Golfshot Re-Design Website

Redesigning the Golfshot website ensures users can navigate it effectively, have a positive experience, and easily find the necessary details.


The Golfshot website redesign aims to improve navigation, streamline the interface, and implement intuitive search functionalities based on user feedback and usability testing. The objective is to enhance the user experience and accessibility of vital information.







User Experience

User Research

Visual Design


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Xd


Project Duration

14 Weeks Project


Heuristic Evaluation

The objective of this project was to revamp the website. The first step was to conduct a heuristic evaluation to identify the areas of concern on the website. All pages on the website were assessed using Jakob Nielsen's ten usability heuristics, Jeff Rubin's severity rating, and Molich & Jeffries' usability scale.

The report provided a comprehensive breakdown of each issue and a detailed explanation of what and why it occurred.

User Research

I conducted user research using a survey questionnaire to understand their needs and frustrations with the website. It was challenging to select the appropriate questions, but after collecting 21 responses, I obtained a satisfactory outcome for the next stage.


Based on the user research, I developed three distinct personas: a student, an avid golfer, and a marketing manager with a passion for golf. Each persona was created by analyzing data from survey responses and helped to identify unique needs and frustrations.

Usability Testing

Golfshot offers a golf app to track shots and play data. However, website navigation needs improvement for users to find information. Guiding users through browsing can identify areas for adjustments and improvements. One issue is unclear pricing for different stages of the app. User tests will help address this. Testing usability and gathering feedback will identify areas for design changes to enhance the user experience.




During this project, I learned after going through the user experience processes during the website design, several takeaways emerged to ensure a more exciting website. One key takeaway is that users appreciate simplicity and quick access to information. Therefore, limiting the number of clicks required to find information and using a clear layout can enhance the user's experience. Secondly, color and images can draw the user's attention and create an engaging atmosphere. Thirdly, user testing proved critical to anticipating user’s needs and identifying areas of improvement before launching the website. Lastly, it is crucial to have a responsive website that provides a seamless experience across all devices. Overall, prioritizing the user's needs and preferences during the design process can create an exciting, user-friendly, and successful website.


Golfshot Marketing Design